Git Stash in a Nutshell

Git stash is a powerful feature in Git, perfect for moments when you need to switch branches mid-work without committing half-finished code. It stashes your modifications and reverts your working directory to the last commit, allowing you to reapply these changes later.

Here's a quick guide:

  1. Stash changes: Use 'git stash' to save modifications to a stash stack and revert to the last commit.
git stash
  1. Apply stashed changes: 'git stash pop' applies the latest stash to your current branch.
git stash pop
  1. Stash with a name: Use 'git stash save "description"' to give your stash a meaningful name.
git stash save "Your description"
  1. Include untracked files: 'git stash -u' allows you to stash untracked files as well.
git stash -u
  1. Apply a specific stash: If you have multiple stashes, use 'git stash apply stash@{n}' to apply a specific stash.
git stash apply stash@{2}
  1. New branch from a stash: Use 'git stash branch new_branch_name stash@{n}' to create and switch to a new branch from a stash.
git stash branch new_branch_name stash@{0}

Git stash is a versatile tool, ideal for managing changes in a dynamic development environment. Harness its potential to make your coding life easier and more efficient.

Victor Yoalli

This is me.